Marri Adithya Reddy | Working towards improving urban infrastructure

One of Adithya’s top priorities is solving Telangana’s road safety crisis. Our state ranked 8th in the country in terms of total number of road accidents recorded last year and stood in at 9th when it came to contributing to the total number of traffic fatalities in the country. 

Our local roads have been so inadequately maintained that potholes alone are a major cause of disgruntlement among Hyderabad’s citizens and have also given rise to the number of fatal accidents from it. Not only do we need to improve Telangana’s roads; we need to revise the drunk-driving laws and footpath encroachment removal. A strong infrastructure is more than just patching potholes, it is key for successful economic development.

Adithya’s goals for road safety measures and maintenance include:
  1. Working on road repair and safety issues, especially on the ones which cause road accidents and demand for roads free of potholes.
  2. Spreading the word among the people of the city by asking them to apply all important road safety rules and regulations.
  3. Forming a group with the local citizens that pushes for a cleaner, greener and safer Hyderabad. 

‘Potography’ contest awareness campaign
To draw attention towards the pitted roads, Adithya ran a successful awareness campaign titled the  ‘Potography contest’ that invited the citizens to engage in taking photographs of the “best” potholes in the city in an attempt to shed light on the situation in front of the civic authorities. The campaign received tremendous response from local citizens who submitted pictures of potholes across the city under GHMC limits. 


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