Marri Adithya Reddy | The Rocky Road To Tandur

The status of roads, bridges and railways is critical to economic development and public safety. However, for the citizens of Tandur, poorly maintained roadways and traffic congestion have become the new normal. 

The busy industrial town has diverse transportation needs but has been on the receiving end of the most negligent care despite receiving plenty of funds. Even after being given a massive Rs. 25 crore for construction and beautification of roads that were supposed to be met with certain specifications, the works which have been carried by the Roads and Buildings department have not met the specified standards. Earlier in the year, 86 cement concrete roads were to be laid in the Tandur mandal, but only 36 could be completed within the allotted timeline — the execution of which was rushed and haphazard.

Lack of concern and interest in road safety and maintenance has led to bigger problems like constant traffic congestion. About 500 heavy vehicles hit the roads in Tandur on a daily basis due to extensive industrial activity in the surrounding areas — there are five cement industries, several stone polishing units, with stone crushers functioning on the outskirts of the town. Besides 500 cement-laden lorries, another 1,500 lorries carry goods to and from Tandur because of the location of several granites, limestone and other industrial units on the outskirts. When these lorries aren’t going back and forth, they are responsible for improper parking which is one of the many causes for accidents in the area. 

These challenges are not merely annoyances, they are tied directly to traffic accidents and access to critical services. Lack of access to reliable, efficient transportation can only lead to impatient driving on roads, which has already caused several injuries over the years. One can only imagine how difficult it would be for schooling children to cross the road as it much as it would for senior citizens. Feel free to share your opinions or feedback on our website  


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